Worship Music Director
예배사역자, 음악사

YoungKwang “YK” Jun | 전영광

A native of South Korea, YK embarked on his musical journey at the tender age of four. Guided by the nurturing hands of his mother, he discovered the melodies of the piano. This early introduction paved the way for an exceptional voyage through the world of music.

YK's innate musical talent blossomed swiftly, and by the age of five, he made his inaugural appearance as a church pianist within the embrace of his home church. This auspicious debut set the stage for what would become a lifelong dedication to the realms of worship ministry and musical expression.

Immersing himself in his passion, YK pursued formal education at the prestigious Seoul Yego Arts School. During these formative years, his exceptional abilities were recognized on numerous occasions, securing his place as an outstanding pianist through accolades earned at various national piano competitions. This acclaim wasn't limited to mere recognition; YK's talents resonated through performances alongside orchestras and in captivating recitals that echoed throughout his homeland, South Korea.

In 2014, the forested landscapes of New Jersey welcomed YK into a new chapter of his journey. Driven by a dual commitment to theology and church music, he enrolled at Drew Theological School. With an insatiable thirst for growth, he immersed himself in studies guided by the transformative mentorship of Mark A. Miller – a remarkable church musician and professor in Sacred Music.

Currently, YK humbly directs worship at Wesley United Methodist Church in South Plainfield, NJ, inspiring congregations through music. His commitment extends beyond the sanctuary, as he takes his dedication to a broader stage, leading worship sessions alongside a symphony of gifted musicians. This remarkable journey has led him to participate in United Methodist annual conferences, jurisdictional conferences, and various denominational events, intricately weaving threads of spirituality and melody that deeply resonate with those who listen.

Behind every note and every melody stands a remarkable partnership. YK's journey is intertwined with that of Rev. Sooah Na, his beloved wife and lead pastor at Centenary United Methodist Church in Metuchen, NJ. Together, they form an unstoppable duo, not only in their shared personal journey but also as worship leaders, united in their pursuit of uplifting souls through the power of music.